“What we think, we become.” There would have been a time when I would have really resonated with this quote and no doubt have even said it! However, when the wisdom of clarity begins to shine thru, you suddenly find that you see “the world” quite a bit differently. So today, my response would be: "Well, yes and no!" It all comes down to what you know yourself to be at your essence. If you think you are your mind, then yes, your thoughts are constantly creating your “reality” because thoughts are all the mind has to work with. However, the problem with this is that like everything else in life, your thoughts are constantly changing (as you may have noticed!). And so, this explains the nagging feeling of instability you feel (even unconsciously) when you think you are your thoughts. One moment a thought can say, “I like this,” and at a later moment it can "change its mind" and say, “I don’t like this.” This being the case, it begs the question: which thought are you? The answer is neither! Your true nature is like a mirror… it will reflect whatever you put in front of it (believe), yet it itself, the mirror, NEVER changes. And just as no reflection can ever harm a mirror, so too it is impossible for anything that happens in the “world” to harm your essential, timeless, formless nature.
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